Thursday, February 7, 2008


I am just sick to my stomach over this whole Romney/McCain ordeal....... And Suckabee I mean Huckabee is a total loser.... If there is anyone that is actually for McCain can you tell me why? What does he really have to offer? Just explain to me why and where he is getting all this support.....I'M SCARED!


*K*R*I*S*T*Y* said...

I agree.Reminds me of a bad Idol season.McSatan and Up-chuck-abee scare me too, and the thought of them together in the white house??Definitely don't think Dillary will take it but I think Osama, I mean Obama has a chance, but it will most likely be McSatan.Now all these conservatists are upset because Romney is out.Wellll, you shoulda got all your friends to vote!And Don't feel bad about your plates, AJ's utah plates expired in September 07 and he's still driving on them.That's how you stick it to the man.

aurora said...

Okay, well this is lame and immature, but does anyone else think that McCain looks like a turtle??

Rochelleht said...

I am sick, as well. I think we all write in Romney to at least send a message.

Yes, I totally agree with you, Aurora.

Chanda said...

If the church were true, he would have won.

I'M KIDDING, I'M KIDDING, I'M KIDDING!!!!! Seriously, I'd like to bear my testimony...

Chanda said...

So apparantly the shock of Romney pulling out has actually KILLED you. Put up a new post already!