Monday, February 4, 2008

Funny thing happened Friday afternoon........

I got a random text from a friend asking what I was up to that day...... I responded with a really sarcastic message but funny, listing all these things I was "doing" for the day...... she asked if she could come over and help...... and I said sure you can, why not...... knowing this friends lived 1000's of miles away and thinking she was trying to humor me....... I still believed that even after she asked for my address...... you have to know this person, I really thought it was a joke....... but oh let's see, about 1 hour later there was a knock at the door and I here Makayla say "HI AJ"!!!! Ms. Chanda and AJ came to visit me all they way here in Utah.... ok, so she was here for other reasons but I know she was really here for me! hee hee We has such a good time and AJ enjoyed playing with Makayla and Landon. We were so happy to see them! I went to the movies with Chanda and here friend Candace to see "Over Her Dead Body" then off to the Cheesecake Factory for some.... well.... cheescake! What a fun time I had!!! I love my friends! I am sick to say, I did not take any pictures and have absolutely no proof so I hope Chanda will back me up on this one!! hee hee : ) I do however have pics to prove my visit with the Furniss family...... what an awesome family.... we had such a good visit and a great meal at Carabba's ! Makayla and Jessica picked up right where they left off as if they never really left off. Landon blushed when he saw Lexi! Jackie is just a few minutes up the road from us and visited us for Lauren's dance showcase in January. Victoria and Sean...... how I miss them. It was extra special seeing them all and realized that we have the most AWESOME friends ever!!!


Rochelleht said...

Oh, how fun! I totally didn't even think about Chanda getting to visit you. What a blast.

Thanks for the Valenheart surprise. Love you!!

aurora said...

Sounds like such fun! Don't you love it when you can pick up right where you left off? :)

candace said...

Hey you! It was so nice to meet you! We will have to get together. I will have to take you to Zupas! Had fun with ya and you have such a cute home! Love it! Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Chanda said...

Ah - I miss you already. Not enough Tee time! Thanks again for the fun night and for being, well , just fabulous all the way around. LOVE!!!

Rebecca said...

I'm jealous. I need to go to's about June? Thank you for the Valentine!