Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Family Home Evening......

So tonight we had FHE..... We had the kids write 3 facts about Pres. Hinckley and 3 things about Pres. Monson. Landon was quite impressed that Pres. Monson's favorite animal was a pigeon and he has had them in his back yard since he was a child. Alan asked how they stay around and not fly away... Landon's response, "Maybe he talks "Pigeon" and tells them not to fly away, he is the Prophet you know". Thought that was funny!!

1 comment:

candace said...

Hey! I still have not forgot about trying to do our lunch thingy, things have been crazy at my house so maybe lets do this Thursday the 21st? How does that work for you? what is your email address and #?