Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I will be taking on Texas starting July 17. The kids and I will be flying to the grand ol' country of I mean state of TEXAS. I have girls camp end of July so the kiddos will be staying while I fly back to take on the bears and possible wolverines in Heber. I will then return to DFW on the 2nd of August to allow my family and friends to marvel in my presence until the 16th!!! :) I am soooooo excited! MJ said she was splitting her days as follows: 15 days with meme, 5 days with Savannah, 5 days with Jessica, and 5 days with Kenzie...... Landon says his entire vacations is split only between meme and Austin! As for me, I plan to be available for anyone who wishes to hang with me..... I enjoy the sun, shopping, late nights with lots of fun conversation, eating Whataburgers and Rosa's, scoping out QT for toe lovers, offending anyone in sight with my obnoxious sunglasses, monsters and milk duds, mc donalds french fries...please NO FRY SAUCE (nasty), and the occasional long walk on the beach or Arcadia park will do!


Chanda said...

Yeeeeeehaaaaaaw! I can't wait. Let's plan lot of fun stuff to do. I'm out from 8/6-8/12 so you can't do anything fun those days. Sorry!

PS - you offend me twice, Ms. sunglasses. I heart fry sauce.

Rebecca said...

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! I'm so excited...we're here the entire time, so I claim you every day. ;)

Tatiana said...

We are going to have to plan some fun times!!!