Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Tee's General Conference up close and personal experience.....
Mattress Surfing.......
The Maquire's are back in town......
Fairy hunters..........
SPIES like us.......
Lauren's double blind date......
Lauren's rockin' "girls pref"......
Tee opens her oh so awesome gifts from TEXAS.....
Alan, aka: Cody, makes the news, Fox news.....
Murray High School.....
MJ and Lan, Tony Hawkin' it up....
Da Valley Idol, LRC.......
Visit with Elder Hartman......
The Long and Short of the "boards".....
MJ's knew do......
DC shoes, all the hype......
HSM 3 starts filming May 3rd, stalking Zac/Troy........
Heading to the ACM's in Vegas baby..........
My Texas trip dilemma......
Got the swimsuit, flip flops, new do, big sunglasses, and even a tan.... just need the HEAT!!!!
CAbi lows.....

And much, much more


Rochelleht said...

I hope those gifts were opened away from little eyes. I'm just sayin'... Not that I'm worried for me, of course... just some of my peeps might have a bit of cause for concern...

Rebecca said...

I hope you had a fantabulous birthday, despite the snow!

Rebecca said...

So reading your post, I thought that your birthday was yesterday and not today....which I really knew it was. I just got confused. Happy, happy birthday too you!